Ultima > マニアックな資料など(日本語) > デュプレの秘密



うーん、懐かしいなぁ。そう、僕がこれを書いたんだよ。うん、これがすべてのストーリーさ、いわば「Catの口から」のね。これを(ウルティマVIに)載せなかったのは、これはあんまり面白くなかったからじゃないんだ....これは当時このゲームを作っていた時の常識と照らし合わせると、ちょっとばかし下品だったんだ。実のところ僕は、Mandrakeが僕のためにオースティンのHigh Fantasy Societyで歌ってくれた下品なバラードをゲームの中に入れたんだ。でもWarren Spectorが僕に命令してその詩をなくさせた、というのもpissという言葉が入っていたからね。だからこのストーリーはどのみち日の目を見ることはなかったのさ。



土曜の晩、Jeremyは大きなテントの中にいたんだ。中には食べ物ともっと大事なもの、ワインが一杯さ。飲んで、騒いで、女をはべらせて---とてもかっこいいやつで、すごいスケコマシ野郎だったのさ。イオロはJeremyが何度もイベントで同様のことをしているのを見ていたんだが、トーナメントが日曜の朝早く始まる---てことはさらに早く起きて用意しなけれゃならない---のを思い出したんだ。もちろん外にいて遅くまで飲むなんでバカなことはしない、明日の準備ができなくなってしまう。(私の)見たところ、前にそんなことがあったようだ.... Jeremyは何度も、明日6時に起きれば大丈夫だ、と自分にいい聞かせた。

翌朝が来た。イオロはJeremyを起こそうとやつのテントにやってきた。昨晩のどんちゃん騒ぎでやつの体調がどうなっていようともね。イオロは言った「Jeremy、起きてるか?」 静寂が返ってきた。 イオロはこうやって話してくれたんだけど、実際にあったことどおりとは思えない。彼は疑惑と批評が入っているね。そしていつも、彼はJeremyの反応について「静かな」の前に大袈裟な形容を加えるね、たとえば「まったくもって静寂」とか。

で、ついにイオロは言った。「Jeremy、30秒で出てこい、テントの脇に小便しちまうぞ」 そして帰ってきたのは....とてつもない静寂だった。てなわけでテントの脇に水の跳ねかける音がすることになったわけだ。でその瞬間、Jeremyがテントの出入り口へと転がり出てきたんだ、チャックを開けて顔を出すと---イオロが立っていてワイン袋を持っていて、テントに水をかけていたって寸法さ!

でこれが「どうやってイオロはトーナメントのときDon Jeremyを起こしたか」というストーリーなんだ。


Ah, nostalgia. I remember scripting that. Well here's the whole story, right "from the cat's mouth" so to speak. The story wasn't left out because there wasn't a good one to tell... But because it was a little too raunchy for the standards the game was being written for at the time. As it was, I put a bawdy ballad in the game that Mandrake had sung for me at the High Fantasy Society here in Austin, and Warren Spector made me remove one verse because it has the word piss in it. So this story never would have made it in anyway...

It's based on one of Iolo's real life stories. Iolo is a terribly charming and entertaining fellow, and he welcomes people into his workshop while he's making crossbows, to keep him company and chat and listen to his stories. When I found out I was going to be head writer on Ultima VI, I went over with 'Manda (aka Penumbra, aka Talzhemir) who was also on my writing team (as well as doing art for the game) with a notepad and pencil to soak up some first rate Iolo anecdotes to use as inspiration for the game.

This particular story wasn't really a Iolo and Dupre incident in real life, it was Iolo and Jeremy at a weekend SCA event/tournament. I changed it to Dupre in the game using my artistic license (which I make sure to renew anually.) Anyway the story went something like this...

Saturday night, Jeremy's in the big tent with all the food and, more importantly, the wine. Drinking and carousing and womanizing - being a very good looking fellow and quite the ladies man. Iolo, having seen Jeremy behave similarly at many a previous event, reminds him that the tournament starts early on Sunday, and he has to be up even EARLIER to be ready for it, and not to stay out ridiculously late getting drunk so he won't be ready the next morning, as has apparently happened in the past...Jeremy repeatedly assures him everything's fine, he'll be up the next morning at 6 AM no problem.

Comes the next morning. Iolo goes over to Jeremy's tent to rouse him up out of whatever state he might be in after the previous night's debauchery. He says "Jeremy, are you awake?" Silence. Iolo embelished the story here in ways I don't remember well enough to do justice to, but he went through several queries and remarks, and each time he portrays Jeremy's "response" with a more dramatic adjective in front of the word "silence". Leading up to something like "Total silence".

So Iolo finally says, "Jeremy, if you're not out of there in 30 seconds, I'm going to pee on the side of your tent." And the response was... Stunned silence. So then there's the sound of fluid spattering against the side of the tent. And in a split second, Jeremy's rolled himself to the opening of the tent, unzipped it, stuck his head out the opening - to see Iolo standing there with a wineskin, squirting water out of it onto the side of his tent!

And that's the story of how Iolo woke Don Jeremy up in time to fight in the tournament.




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